6 Easy Tips to Avoid Jet Lag and Enjoy Your Summer Vacation!

  1. Alter your sleep schedule prior to your trip. Calculate the time difference you are traveling to: 1, 2, 6 hour time change? Alter your sleep schedule to fit the time zone you are traveling to at least a few days in advance.
  2.  Pack your oral appliance with you in your carry-on. If your flight is overnight, or you plan to snooze in air, wear your appliance. Not only will you feel better, your fellow travelers will appreciate a snore-free flight.**
  3. Stay Hydrated.  The day prior to and on the day of your flight drink plenty of water and fluids, 8 oz. of fluid for each hour of flight.
  4. Change your electronics to the correct time zone the day of your trip.   Include your watch, phone, computer and any electronics you carry.
  5. Get out in the sun! Even if your body wants to sleep, get out in the sunlight. The sun will help your body “wake up” and get on the new time zone schedule.

**If you currently use a CPAP-machine to treat your sleep apnea and snoring, consider an oral appliance for travel.  Visit our website TiredofSnoring.com to determine if an oral appliance would hellp you enjoy the vacation of your dreams. Be prepared for your best trip ever!

Tension Heaches and Migraine Headaches are among the Most Common Symptomsof TMD Dysfunction

Dr. Brian Weyneth , general dentist in Naperville Illinois, is a highly trained dental practitioner in the treatment of TMD. He has spent years learning and practicing the most advanced technology and research to bring relief to our TMD patients. The heart of our practice is to help you find freedom from TMJ and related symptoms – especially TMJ tension headaches and migraine headaches.

Our firm commitment to you, as our patient, is to provide relief from migraine headaches, grinding your teeth, popping and clicking of your jaw, fullness and ringing in your ears, as well as any jaw, face, head, or neck pain related to TMJ.

Our approach is a comprehensive program for treating TMJ problems such as headaches, jaw pain, and bruxism. We start with a complete in-office assessment, including computer evaluation of head/neck/ biting forces and their relationship to healthy muscle and joint positioning, specific splint therapy, massage therapy, laser therapy, and ultrasound. We back up this assessment with outstanding home products, such as a painless Microcurrent unit that gently helps heal muscles and joints and relieves head and neck pain. Read more about the treatments on our website.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Dental Sleep Appliances

WHAT IS O.A.T?  O.A.T. stands for oral appliance therapy, a conservative treatment option that consists of a custom made dental appliance, similar to a sports mouth guard, which is worn at night while you are sleeping.  Oral appliances are commonly used for keeping the airway open by bringing the lower jaw forward and preventing the tongue and other tissue from collapsing back into the throat.

WHO IS A CANDIDATE FOR O.A.T.?  O.A.T. is a good treatment option for patients who snore and/or have mild apnea.  It is also an excellent treatment option for patients with moderate to severe apnea who cannot tolerate CPAP therapy and do not require surgery.  O.A.T. may also be a great option for people searching for a less cumbersome, easily transportable, and much more comfortable than a CPAP machine.

HOW DO I KNOW IF AN ORAL APPLIANCES IS FOR ME?  A minimum of 8 healthy teeth are usually required in each jaw ( 8 on top jaw and 8 in lower jaw.)  CPAP devices may be the “gold standard of care for apnea”, but if you have primary snoring, mild apnea, or are seeking alternative treatment for moderate to severe apnea, an oral appliance may be your best choice of treatment for you.

WHAT DO THEY LOOK LIKE AND ARE THEY COMFORTABLE?  There are many different oral appliances for the treatment of snoring and apnea.  The choice depends on many factors including each person’s individual anatomy and lifestyle demands. They feel similar to professionally fitted sports guards and night guards. Most people find them far more comfortable and convenient than the CPAP device.


 Samples Of FDA Approved Oral Appliances

YES, I AM INTERESTED.  WHAT IS MY NEXT STEP?   Call our office to set up a consultation visit with our doctors to discuss if oral appliance therapy is the answer for you and which sleep appliance would be best suited for you. Allow a half hour for your New Patient Consultation, if you had a sleep study you will need to fax it to our office prior to your appointment.

Office:  (630) 369-5508  Fax:  (630) 369-7416

Sleep Apnea and Diabetes: studies show an up to 80% connection

Archive for Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday Medical: Sleep apnea linked to diabetes

By Jane Dickinson/For the Steamboat Today Monday, November 15, 2010

“Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.”— Thomas Dekker (1572-1632)

Sleep — it’s more important than you think. Healthy sleep has numerous benefits, while sleep disorders have been linked to everything from drowsy driving to diabetes.

Research has shown that as many as 80 percent of white males with Type 2 diabetes also have sleep apnea, which can be a serious disorder. Although Type 2 diabetes puts people at higher risk for heart disease and stroke, adding sleep apnea on top of it multiplies that risk even more.

We are just now discovering how crucial sleep is to our health and well-being. Accor­­ding to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, sleep helps us improve learning, memory and mood, while lack of sleep causes slower thinking, confusion and difficulty focusing.  CONTINUE

Over-The-Counter Snoring Devices: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!

Recently, a patient came to see me after having worn an over-the-counter (OTC) anti-snoring device for less than 5 month.  This patient reported to that he was having speaking problems and chewing difficulties. After an oral examination, I found the OTC had caused the patient to undergo “bite-changes” to his teeth and jaw.  Unfortunately, these are just 2 of the side-effects of OTC snoring devices.

The Good

  • OTC Devices are inexpensive
  • OTC Devices can be purchased at many drugstores

The Bad

Unsupervised wearing of these devices can lead to permanent side effects including: permanent dental damage, tooth movement, and jaw problems. Due to OTC construction, the potential for failure is high, discouraging FDA approved and physician recommended treatment with professionally fitted and custom-made Oral Appliances.

 The Ugly

Most importantly, many who try boil and bite devices may be masking obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a life threatening condition in which a person stops breathing repeatedly through the night.

If you are snoring, or believe you may be suffering from sleep apnea, Please discuss your situation with your physician.

For additional information on professional oral devices, (pictured left) call our Naperville, Illinois Dental Sleep Medcine office and request an appointment with Dr. Sosenko.
Visit the Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine website:


Dr. Sosenko is a Diplomate of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine and the founder of Dental Sleep Medicine of Illinois.  She offers snoring and apnea sufferer’s relief through professional oral appliance device therapy. For more information visit her website: www.TiredofSnoring.com .


1100 SHERMAN AVE., SUITE 103 | NAPERVILLE, IL | PHONE: 630.369.5508