6 Easy Tips to Avoid Jet Lag and Enjoy Your Summer Vacation!

  1. Alter your sleep schedule prior to your trip. Calculate the time difference you are traveling to: 1, 2, 6 hour time change? Alter your sleep schedule to fit the time zone you are traveling to at least a few days in advance.
  2.  Pack your oral appliance with you in your carry-on. If your flight is overnight, or you plan to snooze in air, wear your appliance. Not only will you feel better, your fellow travelers will appreciate a snore-free flight.**
  3. Stay Hydrated.  The day prior to and on the day of your flight drink plenty of water and fluids, 8 oz. of fluid for each hour of flight.
  4. Change your electronics to the correct time zone the day of your trip.   Include your watch, phone, computer and any electronics you carry.
  5. Get out in the sun! Even if your body wants to sleep, get out in the sunlight. The sun will help your body “wake up” and get on the new time zone schedule.

**If you currently use a CPAP-machine to treat your sleep apnea and snoring, consider an oral appliance for travel.  Visit our website TiredofSnoring.com to determine if an oral appliance would hellp you enjoy the vacation of your dreams. Be prepared for your best trip ever!

Your snoring may be causing depression in your bed partner!

  • Does your bed partner complain about your snoring?
  • Is your bed partner tired and irritable during the day?
  • Does your bed partner show signs of depression?

A recent study by Sleep and Breathing, focused on the bed partners of snorers.  The study found that when a snorer was treated, the bed partners depression scores improved.

This was one of the first studies to include a snoring and/or sleep apnea sufferers bed partner.

At Dental Sleep and TMD Center of Illlinois, we truly belive treating your sleep apnea and snoring can help improve your relationships!

Is Your Tooth Grinding Keeping You Awake at Night?

Tooth grinding at night, also known as Bruxism, is a very common sleep problem that affects up to 75% of adults at some point in their lives.  Fortunately, dentists regularly notice the signs of tooth wear and will prescribe their patients a nighttime mouth guard to effectively cover and protect your teeth and keep your teeth healthy for life.

While nighttime mouth guards are effective in protecting your teeth, they do no treat sleep apnea or snoring.  In fact, mouth guards can actually amplify your sleep apnea. Recent studies have found tooth grinding rarely occurs by itself. In fact, sleep apnea was found to have the greatest association with those who grind their teeth at night.[1]

How do you know if you have sleep apnea?  If you suffer from any of the following symptoms, you may have untreated sleep apnea.

  • Waking up after a full nights sleep unrefreshed, feeling tired
  • Dry mouth, sore throat and/or gastric reflux
  • Morning or evening headaches
  • Loud snoring
  • Waking up at night to urinate
  • Sweating while sleeping
  • Weight Gain
  • Short term memory problems
  • High blood pressure
  • Mood swings and relationship problems

Treating sleep apnea will make a tremendous improvement in the quality of your life.  There are several options available to people that grind their teeth and have sleep apnea. A CPAP or Oral Appliance Therapy are both effective treatment options. Consult with your physician to start treating your sleep apnea and make a difference in your life.


[1] Sleep Med. 2002 Nov;3(6):513-5.

Are You Keeping Someone Awake With Your Snoring?

Feeling Tired?

Ask us about our Home Screening Night Test. 

Mary Ellen Hughes trying out the ARES at Home Sleep Screening Device, making sure the fit and feel will be comfortable for our patients.

 Determine how likely your snoring may be related to your overall health.

It is common for sleep apnea to go undiagnosed by physicians. Sleep apnea is difficult to detect during a routine office visit. Take a moment to answer the following questions

Snore – Do you snore?
Tired – Do you feel tired, fatigued or sleepy during the daytime?
Observed – Has your bed partner observed you stop breathing during your sleep?
Pressure – Do you have or are you being treated for high blood pressure?

Did you answer yes to any questions? Discuss the possibility of sleep apnea with your physician and let him/her know your concerns.

An Oral Appliance Therapy Success Story!

Did you know that there are literally over 20 million adults in the U.S. that suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea and don’t even know it?

That’s why Jason F. feels so fortunate.  And because of this, his entire live has changed for the better.

Only 2 years ago Jason was referred to us because he felt overwhelming fatigued, and was not getting enough sleep.  He knew excess weight was also a factor.  After just a few short months Jason was a new person. Because of his successful oral appliance therapy, his energy and weight loss began to occur.  He started his own weight loss program with the support of other friends that have also lost considerable weight based on the TV reality show Biggest Losers.  He is now more energetic, alert and much happier.

Do you have an oral appliance success story?  We would love post it here and help other sleep apnea sufferers.  Send us your story: civersen@sbcglobal.net You might be able to help someone change their life!


1100 SHERMAN AVE., SUITE 103 | NAPERVILLE, IL | PHONE: 630.369.5508