Tension Heaches and Migraine Headaches are among the Most Common Symptomsof TMD Dysfunction

Dr. Brian Weyneth , general dentist in Naperville Illinois, is a highly trained dental practitioner in the treatment of TMD. He has spent years learning and practicing the most advanced technology and research to bring relief to our TMD patients. The heart of our practice is to help you find freedom from TMJ and related symptoms – especially TMJ tension headaches and migraine headaches.

Our firm commitment to you, as our patient, is to provide relief from migraine headaches, grinding your teeth, popping and clicking of your jaw, fullness and ringing in your ears, as well as any jaw, face, head, or neck pain related to TMJ.

Our approach is a comprehensive program for treating TMJ problems such as headaches, jaw pain, and bruxism. We start with a complete in-office assessment, including computer evaluation of head/neck/ biting forces and their relationship to healthy muscle and joint positioning, specific splint therapy, massage therapy, laser therapy, and ultrasound. We back up this assessment with outstanding home products, such as a painless Microcurrent unit that gently helps heal muscles and joints and relieves head and neck pain. Read more about the treatments on our website.

Love Your Bed Partner, Hate Their Snoring?

During snoring muscles relax in the back of the throat narrowing the airway to a smaller opening. As you breathe in your sleep, air is forced through this smaller opening causing vibrations known as snoring.

Although snoring may be harmless, it can be a sign of a more serious medical condition which progresses from Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (UARS) to Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).

We are genuinely concerned about your health. Successful treatment of obstructed sleep apnea can reduce the risk of heart attacks, high blood pressure, stroke and metabolic disorders.

DID YOU KNOW? Genetics and family tendencies play a large role in the presence of sleep disorders.

DID YOU KNOW? Untreated Obstructive Sleep Apnea sufferers may have negative effects on driving alertness and concentration levels.

DID YOU KNOW? Other sleep disorders may predict tendencies towards diseases like Parkinson’s.

DID YOU KNOW? Successful treatment of apnea could eliminate or reduce the need of medications.

DID YOU KNOW? A Person living with a snoring partner often exhibits similar symptoms as an untreated apnea patient.

Visit our website to learn more about the health consequences of untreated sleep apnea! We can help you love sleeping with your bed partner again.

Maximizing Insurance Benefits for Oral Appliance Therapy for Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea from a Patient’s Perspective

Jan Palmer is nationally recognized expert on maximizing insurance benefits for Dental Sleep Medicine. Since 1999, Ms. Palmer has focused on achieving the best possible results when billing medical insurance for the treatment of oral appliance therapy.

Jan Palmer answers the following and more:

  • Can you receive medical insurance coverage on your oral appliance?
  • How much coverage can you expect?
  • How involved does the patient need to become to achieve maximum coverage?
  • Should the patient call their insurance company to “hurry” the process?
  • Are most dentists adequately trained in seeking medical insurance reimbursement?

Your snoring may be causing depression in your bed partner!

  • Does your bed partner complain about your snoring?
  • Is your bed partner tired and irritable during the day?
  • Does your bed partner show signs of depression?

A recent study by Sleep and Breathing, focused on the bed partners of snorers.  The study found that when a snorer was treated, the bed partners depression scores improved.

This was one of the first studies to include a snoring and/or sleep apnea sufferers bed partner.

At Dental Sleep and TMD Center of Illlinois, we truly belive treating your sleep apnea and snoring can help improve your relationships!


1100 SHERMAN AVE., SUITE 103 | NAPERVILLE, IL | PHONE: 630.369.5508