6 Easy Tips to Avoid Jet Lag and Enjoy Your Summer Vacation!

  1. Alter your sleep schedule prior to your trip. Calculate the time difference you are traveling to: 1, 2, 6 hour time change? Alter your sleep schedule to fit the time zone you are traveling to at least a few days in advance.
  2.  Pack your oral appliance with you in your carry-on. If your flight is overnight, or you plan to snooze in air, wear your appliance. Not only will you feel better, your fellow travelers will appreciate a snore-free flight.**
  3. Stay Hydrated.  The day prior to and on the day of your flight drink plenty of water and fluids, 8 oz. of fluid for each hour of flight.
  4. Change your electronics to the correct time zone the day of your trip.   Include your watch, phone, computer and any electronics you carry.
  5. Get out in the sun! Even if your body wants to sleep, get out in the sunlight. The sun will help your body “wake up” and get on the new time zone schedule.

**If you currently use a CPAP-machine to treat your sleep apnea and snoring, consider an oral appliance for travel.  Visit our website TiredofSnoring.com to determine if an oral appliance would hellp you enjoy the vacation of your dreams. Be prepared for your best trip ever!

A Common Question: What options do Sleep Apnea Sufferers and Snorers have in addition to CPAP therapy?

QUESTION:    I have apnea. I have tried several CPAP masks but I still can’t sleep with it! What options are available?

ANSWER:   You are not alone! Recent research suggests that as many as 40%-50% of patients don’t use their prescribed CPAP machines.  For those that do use it, it is a wonderful treatment often changing their lives by helping them sleep well.

Unfortunately, for many others using this bedside air breathing device is a nightmare.  Patients often struggle with the hoses and masks, and they hate to travel with them. Many patients are simply just too claustrophobic with them in place. And untreated apnea can be life threatening especially in the earlier adult decades.

Luckily, for thousands of individuals, professional oral appliance therapy is now considered the standard of care but the American Academy of Sleep Medicine for mild to moderate OSA and for others who can not tolerate CPAP.

This well researched therapy involves the fitting of a custom made night time oral appliance.   Current research has documented that the compliance is far greater with OAT than CPAP because of increased comfort, lack of sleeping constraints, no noise levels, and ease of transportability.  Documented research also has shown that even 75% of successful CPAP users who tried OAT would in future take the OAT route even if they had to pay for it in its entirety.  However, medical reimbursement for such therapy is quite common.

Patients seeking this type of treatment should be referred to dentist specifically trained in sleep disorders. These dentists work with your physician as part of your medical team in your diagnosis, treatment, and ongoing care.  Should you find you find oral appliance therapy an effective option for you, you may not only sleep better, but you will feel better knowing that you are treating this life threatening condition.

To find out more about oral appliance therapy visit www.FreeMeFromCPAP.com .


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