How does your Body Respond to Stress and Sleep Loss?

Most everyone has heard that stress is harmful. Still, like day warriors, we down coffee and exchange war stories of how little sleep we actually get.  We are hard workers, who put our responsibilities ahead of catching a few more winks of sleep each night.  But new research finds that sleep loss is just as harmful as stress and mimics stress responses in the body.  Lack of sleep can make your body less resistant to disease, illness and activates the “need for junk food” further putting the body into stress.  Obesity is often linked to stress and lack of sleep.  Now science further explains the cycle of lack of sleep, poor eating habits and disease.  Tiny granulocytes, types of white blood cell, react to sleep deprivation in the same way they would to fight off disease or other stressors.

Lack of sleep and sleep problems are associated with:

  • Irritability
  • Impaired immune system
  • Cognitive Impairment
  • Memory Problems
  • Hallucinations
  • Increased risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes
  • Body Tremors
  • Obesity
  • Growth suppression
  • Decreased reaction time/accuracy

For a healthier you, call Dental Sleep & TMD Center of IL (630-369-5508 or 1-800-Snoring) where she help you get the rest your body needs and deserves.

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