Worried That Your Bed Partner May Have Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a health condition to be worried about.

Worried that your bed partner may have sleep apnea

Worried that your bed partner may have sleep apnea?

Have you observed snoring and/or gasping from your bed partner?

Does your bed partner stop breathing while sleeping? A person can stop breathing hundreds of times in just one hour.

I’ll bet if you ask your loved one, “Do you know you snore, gasp or stop breathing while you sleep,” they will answer, “No.” They have no idea they may have sleep apnea.

Please consider taking the following steps to improve the concerning condition of sleep apnea:

  1. Lose weight
  2. Avoid alcohol consumption before bedtime
  3. See a sleep therapist. Get a sleep study. Doing so may save your life.

Please click the link below and watch this video on Health Concerns Linked With Sleep ApneaThis is what sleep apnea looks like.


Dental Sleep and TMD Center of Illinois, a premiere snoring and apnea treatment center in Naperville, has been providing the CPAP alternative treatment of oral appliance therapy successfully for over 15 years. For more information on this physician-recommended treatment option, visit www.TiredOfSnoring.com, or call us at (630) 369-5508.

The Dangers of Junk Sleep

Do you ever wonder why your sleep is interrupted?

junk sleep

Reduce the dangers of junk sleep

Do you have gadgets, you know, cell phones, tablets, lap tops and MP3 players in your bedroom at night?

Did you know that these technological devices are more popular than TV’s in bedrooms?

Does your cell phone serve as your morning alarm?

Technology is interfering with your sleep. If you want quality sleep, it’s time to re-think having these gadgets in the bedroom with you at night.

For quality sleep:

  1. Shut off all devices at night.
  2. Use an “old school” alarm clock.
  3. Leave all technological devices in another room.

Watch this video about how you can reduce The Dangers of Junk Sleep at http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/12/health/junk-sleep-live-longer

Dental Sleep and TMD Center of Illinois, a premiere snoring and apnea treatment center in Naperville, has been providing the CPAP alternative treatment of oral appliance therapy successfully for over 15 years. For more information on this physician-recommended treatment option, visit www.TiredOfSnoring.com, or call us at (630) 369-5508.

My Boyfriend was not given Oral Appliance Therapy as an Option

Question of the Week – “My boyfriend was not given oral appliance therapy as an option for treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. Does that mean he cannot have one made?”

The most common treatment prescribed for obstructive sleep apnea is CPAP Therapy. Many doctors do not realize there are other options such as Oral Appliance Therapy available.

Visit Dental Sleep & TMD Center of Illinois. Consult with us and let us determine whether or not Oral Appliance Therapy is an option for treatment of your obstructive sleep apnea. Call us at (630) 369-5508. For more information on how you can stop snoring and start sleeping better, visit http://www.tiredofsnoring.com.

Can Foods Promote Good Sleep? Which Foods Help?

Fact:  Sugary foods cause energy levels to crash and burn. Sugary foods bring on insomnia.

Good foods promote good sleep

Good foods promote good sleep

Everyone knows how kids react after eating foods high in sugar. They’re hyper, loud and quite often difficult to put to sleep. This is because when sudden, drastic changes in energy levels occur, insomnia is induced. You are left feeling tired, sluggish and unprepared for the new day. This raises the question,  “If foods can induce insomnia, can foods promote good sleep, too? If so, which foods actually help your quality of sleep?”

If you eat foods containing these four essentials, you will promote good sleep:

  • Melatonin
  • Iron
  • Tryptophan
  • Magnesium

Melatonin – Melatonin is a hormone provided by the body. It is often taken in supplemental form by those dealing with jet lag or changing work hours. Melatonin is also found in foods such as barley-based beer, almonds, walnuts, tomatoes and red wine.

Iron –Do you suffer from restless leg syndrome (characterized by restlessness and insomnia)? This may be caused in part by iron deficiencies. Foods containing iron include chicken liver, oysters, beef liver, turkey, beans, spinach, raisins, lentils and oatmeal.

Tryptophan – Ever wonder why after a delicious Thanksgiving Day meal you feel so sleepy? It’s not because you’re hosting a lot of people for a lot of dinner (well, maybe). It’s because you ate turkey. Turkey, eggs, nuts, milk, peanut butter, sesame seeds, soy and pumpkin seeds all contain tryptophan, an acid essential for the body. An increase in tryptophan equals an increase in melatonin.

Magnesium – Magnesium supplementation improves insomnia. It also increases sleep time and early-morning waking in older adults. Foods that contain magnesium include almonds, spinach, cashews, peanuts, cereal, black beans and soy milk.

If you’re struggling with insomnia, eat foods that promote good sleep and schedule an appointment with us here at Dental Sleep and TMD Center of Illinois. Call (630) 369-5508. We are passionate about helping you sleep well.

I  wish you success on your journey to better sleep!


1100 SHERMAN AVE., SUITE 103 | NAPERVILLE, IL | PHONE: 630.369.5508