I Hate my CPAP! Why did it take years to find a CPAP Alternative Treatment?

I hate my CPAPIn our last blog, Another Successful CPAP Alternative Case in Naperville!, we described how it took years for one of our patients to go from being diagnosed with snoring and obstructive sleep apnea to getting great high quality sleep. Years of struggling with CPAP (Continuous Positive Air Pressure machine) problems had finally been stopped with the use of a custom made professionally prescribed mouth retainer (oral appliance therapy). No snoring, improved energy, and just good sleep!

Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, prescribing physicians often overlook oral appliance therapy (OAT) for the treatment of snoring and apnea. Here are just a few reasons why:

  • Lack of knowledge about oral appliance therapy within the physicians’ world remains the primary reason for lack of guidance towards OAT.
  • For many, especially moderate to severe cases, or those that are very sleepy during the day, CPAP remains their best quickest option, at least early on.
  • Very unfortunate remains the fact that physicians who ARE aware of OAT feel that these devices are too expensive and may not work, and may discourage patients from even trying oral appliance therapy. This truly saddens me.
  • Some geographical areas do not have many dentists who are trained in snoring and apnea treatment. Rarely is this area taught in dental schools.
  • Some medical facilities obtain revenues from the CPAP industry, and as a result have a financial interest in having patients go the CPAP route. Their focus is often on what is easily accessible, and what has the highest success rates (if used).
  • OAT crosses the MD – -DDS barrier more than any other dental treatment. Ongoing communications between these worlds are often minimally existent.  Both sectors are needed and it takes effort to coordinate treatment and referral process.
  • Medical facilities often lack a highly evolved system in following up with previously diagnosed patients. Many just fall though the cracks and alternatives are rarely given.

It has been well over 15 years when I had first entered the world of dental sleep medicine. Reflecting on this, I am amazed that many obstacles to treatment that were present then are still present today.  Obstacles of getting good sleep through custom oral devices have not changed. My professional ‘wish’ in the world of dental sleep medicine is that the medical and dental worlds unite, and put the patient’s sleep their number one priority by directing them to the best treatment for their snoring and apnea condition.

Dental Sleep and TMD Center of Illinois, a premiere snoring and apnea treatment center in Naperville, has been providing the CPAP alternative treatment of oral appliance therapy for over 15 years successfully. We are extremely passionate in helping individuals that have been struggling with CPAP therapy in Naperville, Lisle, Aurora, Bolingbrook and surrounding Chicago suburbs. For more information on this physician recommended treatment option call us at (630) 369-5508.

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Another Successful CPAP Alternative Case in Naperville!

SuccessOkay I admit, I’m selfish. There’s nothing more exciting than to hear our patients comment about how their life has improved through our services. Whether it’s a new smile transformed from darker worn down teeth, or the end of miserable nights of sleep with oral appliance therapy, a CPAP alternative, once you hear these expressions, you just want more successes.

Last week, I had the pleasure of seeing one of our patients that had been having great difficulty with the primary type of therapy that was prescribed by his physician. Years of struggling with hoses, air leaks, and pressure adjustment had led to just POOR sleep and discouragement.

Luckily, due to a move from another state into our area and establishing ties with a new physician, he was referred for oral appliance therapy, the most commonly prescribed alternative treatment to CPAP, type of treatment for obstructive sleep apnea, a sleep disorder often accompanied with chronic snoring and pauses or stoppages of breathing during sleep.

Over the years, there have been hundreds of patients like this one revolving through our doors. My excitement of hearing about these positive outcomes continue to fuel me professionally. But what fuels me even more, is the disappointment in knowing that these prescribed mouth devices for snoring and apnea could have rescued this patient years earlier had they ever been mentioned to him. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, prescribing physicians often overlooks oral appliance therapy. Part of the confusion is that medical standards require a prescription or a diagnosis of a persons’ condition, whether it be primary snoring, or obstructive sleep apnea.  Medical standards also require that these mouth devices be made and delivered through dental providers.

My professional ‘wish’ is that this referral process for an unbelievable great service is someday extremely mainstreamed and that people, who are suffering with CPAP use, can be guided through the treatment.

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When is it time to seek a CPAP alternative for my apnea?

Research shows that up to 40-50% patients do not tolerate their prescribed CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) therapy to treat the life altering condition of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Serious medical conditions may arise when OSA is not treated.

If you are not using your prescribed CPAP therapy, it may be time to consider CPAP alternative treatments. Most common recommended treatments might include professional oral appliance therapy, weight loss, positional therapy, or surgery.

Oral appliance therapy remains the 2nd most recommended CPAP alternative therapy for most patients after weight loss and positional therapy have been considered, but not sufficient for the treatment of OSA. Oral appliance therapy consists of professionally made, custom mouth devices that keep your airway open with a ‘retainer’ type mouth device.  Some patients may call this a ‘sleep apnea mouth device’. It is highly recommended that individuals seeking this type of CPAP alternative treatment work with a dentist specifically trained in sleep disorders.

Not using your prescribed CPAP therapy might be just one reason to consider oral appliance therapy. But, there are other reasons that you may want to consider seeking the sleep apnea alternative treatment of oral appliance therapy.

Consider Professional Oral Appliance therapy if:

1.      You have tried CPAP therapy but still can’t wear it regularly, or for the entire night.
2.      You have been prescribed CPAP therapy but refuse to use it.
3.      You use CPAP therapy successfully, but you leave it behind during travel.
4.      You use CPAP therapy regularly, but don’t feel any positive effects from its use.
5.      You grind your teeth during sleep and find wearing CPAP together with a night guard just “too much”.
6.      You are able to use CPAP but your mouth repeatedly drops open and wearing a chins strap is “too much”.
7.      You are in a new relationship and would like something more portable than CPAP.
8.      You are traveling to destinations that electrical connections are questionable.
9.      Your diagnosis was too low to be considered OSA but have poor sleep quality, snore or excessively tired through out the day.
10. You snore and have no other known symptoms related to the snoring.

Dental Sleep and TMD Center of Illinois, a premiere snoring and apnea treatment center in Naperville, has been providing the CPAP alternative treatment of oral appliance therapy s for over 15 years successfully. We are extremely passionate in helping individuals that have been struggling with CPAP therapy in Naperville, Wheaton, Aurora, Bolingbrook and surrounding Chicago suburbs. For more information on this physician recommended treatment option, visit www.TiredOfSnoring.com or call us at (630)369-5508.

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1 more reason to treat your sleep apnea “dentally” – today!

A recent study from University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, found a link between untreated sleep apnea and cancer. Those with untreated sleep apnea are 4.8% more likely to die from cancer than those without sleep apnea or sleep disordered breathing.

For years, we have know that Obstructive sleep apnea is a life threatening and life altering condition that causes a person to stop breathing repeatedly during sleep. The oxygen deprivation that results can trigger severe health problems. The restless sleep that also results from Obstructive Sleep Apnea affects the quality of life of individuals. The bed partner’s sleep can also be disrupted by his or her partner’s snoring, pauses in breathing and restless sleep.

What happens if Obstructive Sleep Apnea is not treated?

People with Obstructive Sleep Apnea have disrupted sleep resulting in low oxygen levels. Both awakenings and oxygen deprivation can trigger severe health problems and decrease quality of life due to Obstructive Sleep Apnea’s links with:

  • Chronic sleepiness (Excessive Daytime Sleepiness-EDS).
  • Increased Motor Vehicle Accidents (People with Obstructive Sleep Apnea have three times a higher automobile accident or work-related accident than those in the general public).
  • Increased work-related accidents.
  • Poor job performance.
  • Depression.
  • Family discord (Loud snoring also disrupts the bed partner’s sleep causing frustration and anger in their relationship.)
  • Decreased quality of life.
  • Strokes.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Decreased sex drive.
  • Nocturia (a need to use bathroom frequently at night).
  • Morning headache.
  • Systemic Hypertension
  • Cardiac Arythmias
  • Myocardial Ischemia
  • Cerebrovascular Disease
  • Pulmonary Hypertension

And now Cancer is added to the list of health consequences of untreated sleep apnea.

If wearing a CPAP is stopping you from seeking treatment, you do have other options. Dental Sleep and TMD center of Illinois effectively and efficiently has treated sleep apnea and snoring patients with Oral Appliance Therapy. To schedule your appointment for an oral appliance consultation, all our office, 630 369-5508 or 1-800-SNORING.

Please, don’t wait another day to get the sleep you need to stay healthy for life!


1100 SHERMAN AVE., SUITE 103 | NAPERVILLE, IL | PHONE: 630.369.5508