10 New Years resolutions that you can actually keep!

How many times have you started a new year with brand new resolutions?  Or the same resolutions that you are still working on?

We found the following article that can help you set up resolutions to  have a great 2011.

Don’t Forget to pay special attention to Get Enough Sleep and Floss!

10 New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep Posted on December 14, 2010 *

*retrieved 1/6/11 from: http://www.toponlinecolleges.com/blog/2010/10-new-years-resolutions-you-can-actually-keep/

New Year’s is a time for starting fresh and setting goals that you’d like to accomplish. For many people this comes in the form of New Year’s resolutions. Get fit, stop smoking, learn a new language and lose 30 pounds are just a few of the popular resolutions that just never seem to come to fruition. Instead of making promises you can’t keep again this year, face the reality and start making resolutions that are within your means. Here are 10 New Year’s resolutions you can actually keep:

  1. Be Nicer to People: Being nicer to people is something we can all realistically do more often. This New Year’s resolution doesn’t require you to donate to a charity every month or compliment every person you see on the street, but just be kinder to people. Simply saying hello and goodbye to people, watching what you say before you blurt out an insult and lending a helping hand to someone, even when it’s inconvenient for you, are all realistic examples of being nicer to people.
  2. Get More Sleep: One New Year’s resolution you could actually keep is getting more sleep. It will certainly require some effort on your part to finish tasks early so you can make it to bed at a decent time, but it’s not an impossible feat either. Your body and mind will appreciate the extra Zs, and getting more sleep can actually help you accomplish your other resolutions much easier.
  3. Give Blood: If you’d like to give back to the community in a big way but cannot commit to being a volunteer, why not give blood? Giving blood is a terrific selfless act that makes a huge difference in people’s lives. Your donation of one pint can save up to three lives and you can give blood every 56 days if you want. Even if you only donate a couple times a year, it’s still more than what the average American donates. Your New Year’s resolution will save lives; and it doesn’t get much better than that.
  4. Indulge in Moderation: So many people make grandiose New Year’s resolutions, like quit drinking and stop eating junk food, but cannot stick to them. These resolutions are not realistic for the average person because we all like to indulge every once in a while. You’ll have a better chance at limiting your alcohol and junk food intake if you do it in moderation. It’s highly unlikely that someone who enjoys red wine, chocolate and pizza are going to be able to give it up cold turkey, so let yourself indulge in moderation for a more realistic approach to healthier eating.
  5. Floss Regularly: Flossing your teeth and gums regularly is a New Year’s resolution you can certainly keep up with. Obviously if you have to add it to your resolutions list, it’s not the easiest habit to develop, but it’s not impossible to get better at. For a couple extra minutes every morning or night, start flossing before you brush your teeth. Regular flossing has many oral health benefits, such as preventing cavities, removing plaque, preventing bad breath and giving you a better teeth cleaning.

Follow This Link to Read all 10 Resolutions:  10 New Years Resolutions you can keep!

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