What are the Most Common Side Effects of Oral Appliance Therapy?

Question of The Week – What are the Most Common Side Effects of Oral Appliance Therapy?

Some side effects tied to an oral appliance are: increased drooling, minor jaw pain and tooth discomfort, dryness, sensation of awareness and minor tooth movement or discomfort. Plan at least 2 weeks following your visit to begin Oral Appliance Therapy.

Visit Dental Sleep & TMD Center of Illinois. Let us help you with any side effects you may be experiencing with your Oral Appliance Therapy. Call us at (630) 369-5508. For more information on how you can stop snoring and start sleeping better, visit http://www.tiredofsnoring.com.

Leafy Greens Are Beneficial For Your Health

Food Focus: Leafy Greens

Food Focus: Leafy Greens

Leafy Greens are crammed full of good nutrition

Leafy greens are some of the easiest and most beneficial vegetables to incorporate into your daily routine. Densely packed with energy and nutrients, they grow upward to the sky, absorbing the sun’s light while producing oxygen. Members of this royal green family include kale, collard greens, Swiss chard, mustard greens, arugula, dandelion greens, broccoli rabe, watercress, beet greens, bok choy, napa cabbage, green cabbage, spinach and broccoli.

How do greens benefit our bodies? They are very high in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous and zinc. They are a powerhouse for vitamins A, C, E and K. They are crammed full of fiber, folic acid, chlorophyll and many other micronutrients and phytochemicals. Their color is associated with spring and summer, which is a time to renew and refresh vital energy. In traditional Asian medicine, the color green is related to the liver, emotional stability and creativity.

Greens aid in:

  • purifying the blood
  • strengthening the immune system
  • improving liver, gall bladder and kidney function
  • fighting depression
  • clearing congestion
  • improving circulation
  • keeping your skin clear and blemish free

Leafy greens are the vegetables most missing from the American diet. Many of us have never learned how to prepare them. Start with this very simple recipe for shiitake and kale. Then each time you go to the market, pick up a new green to try. Soon you’ll find your favorite greens and wonder how you ever lived without them.

Recipe of the Month: Shiitake and Kale

Prep Time: 2 minutes
Cooking Time: 10 minutes
Yield: 4 servings


  • 1/2 pound shiitake mushrooms
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1-2 cloves crushed garlic
  • 1 bunch kale, chopped
  • 1 pinch salt


  1. Warm oil in a pan on medium heat with minced garlic until aromas of garlic are released, about 2-3 minutes.
  2. Add chopped shiitake mushrooms; stir fry for 5 minutes.
  3. Add chopped kale; stir-fry for a couple of minutes.
  4. Add a splash of water and pinch of salt to pan; cover and let steam for 4 minutes.

Small changes yield lasting results. Permanent change is more likely to happen gradually rather than through one big restrictive plan. Allow yourself to climb the ladder one rung at a time.

Here’s to healthy eating! Please feel free to contact Debbie at (630) 470-7634 or email her at Debbie@NutritionandHealthCounseling.com if you have any questions on the material above or if you are interested in scheduling a health consultation. Visit her website at www.NutritionAndHealthCounseling.com for more information.

Can Autoimmune Disorders Lead to Sleep Problems?

Autoimmune disorders can lead to sleep problems

Is your sleep interrupted by aches and pains?

Do you suffer from depression, anxiety and stress and fatigue?

Is sleep apnea a warning sign of autoimmune disorders?

Can autoimmune disorders lead to sleep problems? Studies now show this is a fact. Many people suffer from autoimmune disorders, and their pain can be significant.

Here are ten suggestions to help manage sleep problems:

  1. Create a regular bedtime routine and sleep schedule
  2. Use extra pillows to support painful joints
  3. Enjoy good nutrition and exercise daily
  4. Keep a comfortable temperature in the bedroom (Around 64 degrees is suggested)
  5. Wear comfortable sleep clothing
  6. Try to get 8-9 hours of sleep each night
  7. Try to manage pain with routine massage therapy sessions
  8. Stop alcohol and caffeine consumption well before bedtime
  9. Try acupuncture, meditation or Yoga
  10. Ask your doctor if changes in medication are necessary

Read more on how restful sleep can improve your autoimmune symptoms here:


Don’t put up with sleep problems any longer! See a sleep specialist and allow them to help solve your sleep difficulties.

Dental Sleep and TMD Center of Illinois, a premiere snoring and apnea treatment center in Naperville, has been providing the CPAP alternative treatment of oral appliance therapy successfully for over 15 years. For more information on this physician-recommended treatment option, visit www.TiredOfSnoring.com, or call us at (630)369-5508.

Annual Dental Sleep Medicine Conference Highlights

I recently attended and spoke at the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM) 23rd Annual Meeting in Minneapolis. I’ve been attending these annual meetings for many years. Here are a few interesting bullet points from this year’s meeting:

  • AASDM Meeting about Dental Sleep Medicine The prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea in firefighters, police officers and truck drivers is believed to be about 25-33% with about 85% of these undiagnosed! This number doesn’t compare to the 2-4% suspected OSA documented from quite outdated info. Unfortunately, if all the suspected truck drivers were being evaluated and taken off the roads until successful apnea treatment was given, our economy would suffer. This has delayed federal guidelines. For more information, check out this link:


  • Living with apnea is similar to other chronic conditions and deserves constant attention. Healthy life changes in eating and exercise can only help long term outcomes.
  • Sleep issues  are a top contributor to the onset of depression.
  • We are getting closer to having the availability of compliance-monitoring chips that can be embedded into oral appliances. Once passed through the lengthy government approval systems, these may dramatically impact many OSA sufferers especially in patients such as truck drivers, etc. Some of this technology has been available already in Europe since 2011.
  • I’m excited about a new oral device on the market and will try to get more info once available. The MicrO2 removable and changeable trays made at different distances eliminating the need for screwdrivers and other somewhat challenging adjustment hardware is exciting – so clear and light and barely noticeable!
  • Teeth grinding or bruxism continues to show a link with OSA although many more studies are needed to confirm current views.
  • It has been reported that even with the lowest definitions of compliance, CPAP compliance is approximately 50%.
  • A new type of surgery for apnea patients is on the horizon. It is an implantable hypoglossal nerve stimulator. It will be reserved at this point for select cases of apnea sufferers who have failed oral appliance therapy and CPAP therapy. More information on this coming in the future.
  • For kids at high risk for obstructive sleep apnea, Type ”A” and Type “B” kids tend to show different patterns of symptoms. Type “A” tend to have attention issues, no sleepiness/the latter – more daytime sleepiness. Even the slightest apnea scores are significant for kids and treatment should be considered. Neurocognitive impairment delay can occur. If left untreated, the following can result: behavioral disturbances, learning deficits and metabolic changes. Most importantly these changes may not be completely reversible. Bottom-line: the sooner kids with suspected apnea are treated, the better.

Dental Sleep and TMD Center of Illinois, a premiere snoring and apnea treatment center in Naperville, has been providing the CPAP alternative treatment of oral appliance therapy for over 15 years successfully. We are extremely passionate about helping individuals that have been struggling with CPAP therapy in Naperville, Lisle, Aurora, Bolingbrook and surrounding Chicago suburbs. For more information on this physician-recommended treatment option, visit www.TiredOfSnoring.com or call us at (630) 369-5508.

Start Sleeping Now. Sleep is Crucial to Your Well-Being.

Do you suffer from insomnia?

Do you suffer from insomnia?

Do you suffer from insomnia?

Are your weight and hormones out of balance?

Did you know that three important lifestyle changes can turn your life around?

The wellness trifecta: DIET, EXERCISE AND SLEEP!

Most people don’t realize that sleep is crucial to your well-being. Sleep deprivation can cause serious complications such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and diabetes to name just a few.  In our practice we hear our patients tell us often about their depression, concentration and focus issues, also caused by lack of sleep.

Are you burning the candle at both ends?  Get the sleep your body craves! These simple evening do’s and don’ts may help:

  1. DO try breathing exercises when you lie down
  2. DO keep your bedroom quiet, dark and spa like
  3. DO keep the kids in their own bedroom
  4. DON’T drink coffee or other beverages after dinner
  5. DON’T watch TV in the bedroom
  6. DON’T have computers in the bedroom

If you’re in need of sleep, make an appointment with a sleep therapist.  These physicians are specialists who will analyze your sleep habits and will help you achieve a good night’s sleep. Call us at 630-369-5508. We can recommend some sleep specialists that will meet your  needs.

Please read the link below and start sleeping today.


Dental Sleep and TMD Center of Illinois, a premiere snoring and apnea treatment center in Naperville, has been successfully providing the CPAP alternative treatment of oral appliance therapy for over 15 years. We are extremely passionate about helping individuals who have been struggling with CPAP therapy in Naperville, Lisle, Aurora, Bolingbrook and surrounding Chicago suburbs.


1100 SHERMAN AVE., SUITE 103 | NAPERVILLE, IL | PHONE: 630.369.5508