Naperville Sleep Dentist shares the poem – “His Snoring” by Lesley Voth

We came across this poem about snoring and we wanted to share it with you. Some of you might be able to relate to this.

His Snoring

by Lesley Voth

Have you gone to bed tired
Needing the eight hours required.

Just dozing, falling into a beautiful sleep
Falling, floating into a nice place, so deep.

Then Oh no! not again,
Oh please Lord,
Not another night of his vibrating vocal cord.

You think it would help if I put plugs in my ears,
Nope, it doesn’t and one of my fears,

That the noise, that gurgle will not disappear.
It drives me crazy,
Next day I am tired, lethargic and lazy.

I wake up grouchy, tense and uptight,
He wakes up all fresh and bright.

“Why honey I had such a great night,
Slept like a baby, feel frisky and sprite”.

I look at him, with eyes like road maps
Frisky, yea right, I am about to snap.

But I know during the day I will take a nap,
So I don’t give him too much verbal crap.


1100 SHERMAN AVE., SUITE 103 | NAPERVILLE, IL | PHONE: 630.369.5508