Can a Podcast Change Your Life?

The severity of obstructive sleep apnea can often be reduced and even eliminated in mild cases with weight loss. For many people, exercise and healthy living comes quite naturally. However, in my case I need a constant source of motivation and fresh ideas to common day to day obstacles.

Free audio recordings in the form of podcasts have provided me with a tremendous amount of knowledge and motivation for a healthier life.  Coupling listening to topics that I really enjoy during workouts have made them unbelieving more enjoyable.

Hope you enjoy our Wellness Partner’s informational blog on the power of podcasts!

Can a Podcast Change Your Life?

The other day I called a friend, but she missed my call because she was listening to a podcast.  Curious about what type of podcasts she listened to, I asked her to share with me some of what grabbed her attention.  She pulls out her iPhone, starts scrolling through the huge list of podcasts stored on her phone, clicks on one she likes, and hits play.

Suddenly we are transported into this fascinating radio show called Radiolab that shared a moving story of a brilliant woman biologist who developed a deadly brain disease called frontal temporal dementia.  The first sign of this disease became apparent when she quit her job as a biologist and started to paint.

She became “obsessed with Maurice Ravel’s famous composition and decided to put an elaborate visual rendition of the song to canvas. She called it “Unraveling Bolero.” But at the time, she had no idea that both she and Ravel would themselves unravel shortly after their experiences with this odd piece of music.”

Unraveling Bolero Podcast

Now you might be thinking to yourself, “How is that going to change my life?”  Well, the power of podcasts is endless.  The benefits of incorporating podcasts into your life are many:

  1. Personal and professional development is at your fingertips.  Whether you want to lose weight, eat better, have less stress, grow your business, be a better parent or spouse, or improve your relationship with a Higher Being, I guarantee you there is a podcast out there to help and inspire you.  The world of podcasts is unbelievably large and growing.  Professionals from all walks of life use podcasts to share their message with the world.  Why not take advantage of the free resources available to you?
  2. Podcasts enable you to multi-task.  Although some experts will tell you it’s not efficient to multi-task, that is simply not true.  You just have to know how to multi-task, and podcasts allow that freedom.  While there are certainly tasks that don’t blend well with podcasts, there are enough things you can do to kill two birds with one stone.  Think about all the mindless tasks you take part in everyday…walking the dog, doing the dishes, filing paperwork, or commuting.  Add a podcast to these chores and you have added the ability to change your life at the same time.
  3. Turn a dreaded habit into an enjoyable one.  Are you one that hates to exercise?  Do you procrastinate when it comes to handling your finances?  What do you absolutely dread and avoid if you can?  Try listening to a podcast while engaging in these activities to break the doldrums in your life.  Not only can a podcast snap you out of procrastinating on important life habits, it can give you a boost of education and inspiration as well.
  4. Podcasts are free!  While there are certainly podcasts out there that you can pay for, why bother when you have free podcasts at your fingertips?  Podcasts are easy on the pocketbook, and relatively simple to access.

But I am not tech savvy, and I don’t even know where to begin to find podcasts.  Don’t let these excuses stand in the way of letting podcasts change your life.  Here are some basic tips on joining the millions of podcasters.

To learn how to download podcasts, you have several options.  Find someone who listens to podcasts and ask them to give you a lesson on podcasts.  Enlist a teenager for their technical help; these days almost all teenagers will blow your socks off technically.  Even my 10 year old far surpasses me in knowledge of electronic gadgets.  Get on your computer and use eHow or YouTube to educate yourself on downloading podcasts.  Here are two brief articles to get your started:

How to Download a Podcast to an MP3 Player

Tips for Podcast Fans

Finding free podcasts is pretty simple as well.  There are many podcast directories you can choose from to access the types of podcasts you want to listen to.  Here are a few you can choose from:

NPR – National Public Radio


This American Life

And of course, visit the iTunes Store for free podcasts.

So, can a podcast change your life?  Only if you take advantage of this amazing free tool, and allow it to transform you.

Lori Radun, a certified life coach and freelance writer, for Dental Sleep and TMD of IL,


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