Is it Sleep Deprivation or a Sleeping Disorder?

Sleep is as important in your daily routine as brushing your teeth and showering.  Sleep is critical to maintaining and improving your physical and mental well-being. The National Sleep Foundation estimates 47 million Americans are sleep deprived, recommending 8 hours of sleep for most adults.

Sleep deprivation leads to:Sleep Deprivation or Sleeping Disorder?

  • Weight gain
  • Depression
  • Decreased memory
  • Poor Concentration
  • Irritability
  • Relationship trouble

What can you do to help yourself get the sleep you need? Set a sleep pattern for yourself and get into a regular sleep routine.  Start with the minimum of 7 hours each night for a consecutive week.  If you awake unrested, add 30 minutes each night until you notice your alertness return.

A few ideas to help you make Sleep changes at home:

  1. Log the sleep hours of each family member, before and after you try to add sleep to your new year. (You’ll be surprised!)
  2. Cut out all electronics 1 hour before bedtime.
  3. Eliminate caffeinated drinks after dinnertime.

If you are getting a full night’s sleep and STILL wake unrefreshed and fatigued throughout the day, you may be suffering from a sleep disorder. Please, consult with your physician and let him know you are concerned. Make changes today to start off on the path to a full night of sleep, every night!


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