Better Sleep Makes You ‘Look’ Better

US NewsFor years, we have seen the positive effects of how a tired and sleep deprived patient can turn around after getting great sleep. Less baggy eyes, different and happier dispositions, and more alertness are just some of the positive changes we often witness when treating our snoring and apnea patients.

Are you tired of people commenting that you look “tired”? Read more in U.S. News article and see how you can look better.

Dental Sleep and TMD Center of Illinois, a premiere snoring and apnea treatment center in Naperville, has been providing the CPAP alternative treatment of oral appliance therapy for over 15 years successfully. We are extremely passionate in helping individuals that have been struggling with CPAP therapy in Naperville, Lisle, Aurora, Bolingbrook and surrounding Chicago suburbs. For more information on this physician recommended treatment option visit or call us at (630)369-5508.

Smart Sleep Tip 1: You or Your Partner Snoring Often?

If you or your partner are snoring often, you need to know that it might be a sign of something more serious called  obstructive  sleep apnea (OSA).

During obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)  a patient stops breathing  or has pauses in breathing during sleep that can affect many other areas of health. For a lot more information I urge you to listen to my audio podcast  interview with Dr. Steve Park, an ENT sleep specialist, discussing Treating Snoring: A Life And Death Decision or visit for more information.

Another Successful CPAP Alternative Case in Naperville!

SuccessOkay I admit, I’m selfish. There’s nothing more exciting than to hear our patients comment about how their life has improved through our services. Whether it’s a new smile transformed from darker worn down teeth, or the end of miserable nights of sleep with oral appliance therapy, a CPAP alternative, once you hear these expressions, you just want more successes.

Last week, I had the pleasure of seeing one of our patients that had been having great difficulty with the primary type of therapy that was prescribed by his physician. Years of struggling with hoses, air leaks, and pressure adjustment had led to just POOR sleep and discouragement.

Luckily, due to a move from another state into our area and establishing ties with a new physician, he was referred for oral appliance therapy, the most commonly prescribed alternative treatment to CPAP, type of treatment for obstructive sleep apnea, a sleep disorder often accompanied with chronic snoring and pauses or stoppages of breathing during sleep.

Over the years, there have been hundreds of patients like this one revolving through our doors. My excitement of hearing about these positive outcomes continue to fuel me professionally. But what fuels me even more, is the disappointment in knowing that these prescribed mouth devices for snoring and apnea could have rescued this patient years earlier had they ever been mentioned to him. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, prescribing physicians often overlooks oral appliance therapy. Part of the confusion is that medical standards require a prescription or a diagnosis of a persons’ condition, whether it be primary snoring, or obstructive sleep apnea.  Medical standards also require that these mouth devices be made and delivered through dental providers.

My professional ‘wish’ is that this referral process for an unbelievable great service is someday extremely mainstreamed and that people, who are suffering with CPAP use, can be guided through the treatment.

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Your snoring may be causing depression in your bed partner!

  • Does your bed partner complain about your snoring?
  • Is your bed partner tired and irritable during the day?
  • Does your bed partner show signs of depression?

A recent study by Sleep and Breathing, focused on the bed partners of snorers.  The study found that when a snorer was treated, the bed partners depression scores improved.

This was one of the first studies to include a snoring and/or sleep apnea sufferers bed partner.

At Dental Sleep and TMD Center of Illlinois, we truly belive treating your sleep apnea and snoring can help improve your relationships!

Are You Keeping Someone Awake With Your Snoring?

Feeling Tired?

Ask us about our Home Screening Night Test. 

Mary Ellen Hughes trying out the ARES at Home Sleep Screening Device, making sure the fit and feel will be comfortable for our patients.

 Determine how likely your snoring may be related to your overall health.

It is common for sleep apnea to go undiagnosed by physicians. Sleep apnea is difficult to detect during a routine office visit. Take a moment to answer the following questions

Snore – Do you snore?
Tired – Do you feel tired, fatigued or sleepy during the daytime?
Observed – Has your bed partner observed you stop breathing during your sleep?
Pressure – Do you have or are you being treated for high blood pressure?

Did you answer yes to any questions? Discuss the possibility of sleep apnea with your physician and let him/her know your concerns.


1100 SHERMAN AVE., SUITE 103 | NAPERVILLE, IL | PHONE: 630.369.5508