WARNING: Untreated Sleep Apnea Can Kill!

We are genuinely concerned about your health. Successful treatment of obstructed sleep apnea can reduce the risk of heart attacks, high blood pressure, stroke and metabolic disorders.

DID YOU KNOW?  Genetics and familial tendencies play a large role in the presence of these disorders.

DID YOU KNOW?  Untreated OSA patients may have negative affects on driving alertness and concentration levels. DID YOU KNOW? Other sleep disorders may predict tendencies towards diseases like Parkinson’s.

DID YOU KNOW?  Successful treatment of apnea could possibly eliminate or reduce the need of medications.

DID YOU KNOW?  A Person living with a snoring partner often exhibits similar symptoms as an untreated apnea patient.

Knowing that we can help prevent unnecessary accidents and family discord has been the driving force of growth in our oral appliance division.

~ Read the following tragic stories ~

My son’s name is Kevin O’Connor. He was fifteen years only when he died. Kevin was a very family-oriented young man and worked in our family business. ……….It was a beautiful day – not a cloud in the sky……. After he finished his Snapple he told me he was going to finish the trim work. Kevin went out back to put on his safety equipment…. That was the last I saw or talked to him alive. ……We heard this bang. My husband and I and the Fed-ex driver thought there was an accident on Route 28. We all ran to the door but could not see any cars on the highway. I looked over to our driveway and saw a body lying in the middle of the drive way. At first I could not determine who it was and then realized OH MY GOD, its KEVIN…… We learned after the accident that the driver that killed Kevin was an on-duty school bus driver that drove off the road 200 times before striking and killing Kevin. He had fallen asleep at the wheel. It was determined that he had undiagnosed severe obstructive sleep apnea…. — Submitted by Cindy O’Connor, Kevin’s mother (National Sleep Foundation)

The morning of July 19, 1995, Timothy Douglas, a veteran commercial driver who had logged more than 1 million miles, was headed southbound on I-75 in Georgia when he fell asleep at the wheel of his 18-wheeler, rear-ending a pick-up truck carrying 14 people. Adults, children, even infants flew from the bed of the truck, littering the highway—seven people were dead. After the crash, Douglas was charged with vehicular homicide, not because he had fallen asleep, but for having faulty brakes and driving too closely. While awaiting trial, Douglas continued to struggle with his longstanding constant fatigue, his loud snoring, and his gasping for breath during sleep. The Department of Transportation doctors who had certified him as being medically fit to drive hadn’t discovered the cause, but it was the tenacity of his sister, a nurse, who insisted that another doctor that she knew search for the reason….. Finally they found the answer—as the doctor told him that he had severe obstructive sleep apnea, If only the doctors had asked a few simple questions about sleep during his Department of Transportation physical and If only one of his employers had discussed the dangers of sleep disorders.

~ For the full stories on Kevin and Timothy visit the National Sleep Foundation’s website ~

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